Ty Howard's

Official Untie the Knots® Blog

Untie the Knots to YOUR Procrastination by Ty Howard

Untie the Knots® to YOUR Procrastination
by Ty Howard, Renowned Motivational Speaker,
Habits Consultant and Best-Selling Author
Copyright © 2008    All Rights Reserved.

“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity
and ideas get buried.” ~ Ty Howard

Do you know someone who is tied up in spending more time wishing than getting things done? Debating the options than getting things done? Being busy being busy than getting things done? Someone who is so tied up in procrastination that he or she has become the master at making excuses and turning their back on getting things done?

You know what’s even worse… to be someone who is tied up in procrastination and not even know it!

How do I know, I used to be a Master Procrastinator myself.

I once wanted to start a Procrastinator’s Club; however, I put it off and the club never started. I kept saying, I’ll start it tomorrow and that tomorrow never came.

The only way to Untie the Knots™ to YOUR Procrastination is through action. Committed action to the point where you do not stop until your ultimate goal is accomplished. You must move beyond wishing, daydreaming, putting off, doubting, excuse making, debating the options, and never finishing — to making it happen all the way through to completion.

Here is how you can begin today Untying the Knots™ to YOUR Procrastination! This is how I did it… and YES, it is time for you too to break free from the procrastination trap you’re in by teaching you a simple and quick planning process that focuses your energy on what you want most, and the actions that will get you there most quickly.

The Untie the Knots™ to Your Procrastination Process

Step 1: Redefine and refocus on your highest values and most important goals.

Step 2: Prioritize and write down the actions you must take to get your tasks and projects done, without sacrificing the important things you’re already working on.

Step 3: Identify and rid yourself of pointless busywork to clear hours from your schedule each week that will allow you to get the important things done.

Step 4: Set a starting time and date and a completion time and date for each important task or project. Write this information down on the same sheet of paper you wrote your Plan of Action on. This is now also your Personal Reminder Sheet, and you are to work through your projects until completion.

Step 5: When the start day and time comes — START! It’s okay to plan projects in phases; however, when it’s time to work, work. Do not blow any phase or part of your Plan of Action off until tomorrow.

Step 6: Stay true and committed to the activities that will get you the results you want. Minimize the distractions that will pull you off of your path towards completion. Your ultimate goal is completion and the enjoyment of stepping up to your Personal Reminder Sheet and “FINALLY” scratching or checking off your completed task or project.

Step 7: Reward yourself. You should always stop and personally reward yourself in the end. You’ve worked for it and you’re earned it. So, create a list of five to ten ways you would reward yourself for finishing a project and NOT succumbing to procrastination. Choose and enjoy one or two personal rewards, depending on the importance and size of the task, after completion.

Step 8: Journal. Here’s where you take five to fifteen minutes to journal about your experiences with working this particular project through to completion. What went smoothly? What were your challenges? Who help you? What resources did you call upon or learn about? Did you start on time? Did you finish on time? Where, if at all, did you find yourself procrastinating? If you did this project again, what things would you do differently?

Step 9: Move onto your next task or project.

I now personally plan six (6) MAJOR and IMPORTANT things that I must get done each year — and they are non-negotiable. I cannot talk or bluff my way out of completing them. I often accomplish a hundred or more small or medium sized tasks each year; however, my SIX MAJOR and IMPORTANT things are a must.

When I began executing my Untie the Knots™ to YOUR Procrastination Process twelve years ago, it was liberating. Imagine, being able to look back over a period of twelve years knowing that you have accomplished 72 MAJOR and IMPORTANT things in your life. A few things like: getting rid of all my credit cards and credit card debt; purchasing a new home; writing and publishing a book; creating and maintaining 19 business web sites; incorporating my business; getting better control of my health; and making sure my daughter arrived at college on time.

This moment right now is loaded with great value. You can choose to take action, and make that value your own, or you can choose to do nothing and forever remain tied up in your own never-ending knot of procrastination.

I assure you that it will be definitely refreshing and liberating when you too look back five, ten and twelve years from now to take stock of the countless MAJOR and IMPORTANT things you have accomplished in your life. All because you decided that today was THE Day that you will begin Untying the KnotsTM to YOUR Procrastination.

Decide to accept the tremendous opportunity that is already available to you. Let go of the excuses, and make this the moment THE moment you break free into real, effective, purposeful, and meaningful action.

Remember —

    The knots of life may test you,
    Leaving your will feeling battered and fried.

    Don’t STOP!
    Don’t QUIT!

    You’re only been delayed,
    But you’re RARELY denied!

Untie the KnotsTM to YOUR Procrastination!!!!

— end —

Copyright © 2008 by Ty Howard
All rights reserved.
