The above video clip is of Ty Howard, National Anti Bullying Expert and Speaker, speaking to the wonderful students of Christopher Columbus Charter School (Middle School Campus) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Ty’s presentation title is “NO Bullying Allowed! Save a Life. Save a Friend. Save a Dream.” Watch and enjoy as he connects, inspires, engages, motivates and empowers the young hearts and minds of middle school students to be kind and respectful, and to practice NO Bullying Allowed
Copyright © 2014 by Ty Howard. All Rights Reserved.
About The Author
Ty Howard of, is the author of the best-selling book Untie the Knots™ That Tie Up Your Life: Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, and the forthcoming teen character enrichment and empowerment book You Were Born to Be G.R.R.R.R.E.A.T.!!!!™. He is recognized around the world as a highly sought after consultant and expert on youth enrichment and teen empowerment. Ty teaches young people and the professionals who work with and develop them, how to defeat toxic habits, maintain a positive attitude, get and stay bully free, let peace and kindness fill their world, and achieve true greatness. With over 18 dedicated years as a Dynamic Professional Speaker for Youth & Teens, Ty has a proven track record for delivering inspiring and engaging programs that bring forth immediate positive change, desired outcomes, and real-life results.
Contact Ty’s Business Office: Maryland, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone; available for keynote speaking engagements, school assemblies, educational sessions, workshops, leadership conferences, diversity conferences, youth – teen conferences, bullying awareness and prevention programs, professional development programs for educators (administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, etc.), teen camps, teen retreats, and radio / television interviews…(also available for last minute radio / television interviews).
Toll Free Phone: 1 (800) 385-3177 (Maryland / USA)