
Ty Howard's

Official Untie the Knots® Blog

Ty Howard’s Growth & Prosperity Tips for the Year 2011 – [ Enriching Life Coaching Tips From America’s Untie the Knots(R) Consultant & Coach ]

Ty Howard’s Growth & Prosperity T.I.P.S.

for the Year 2011

Copyright © 2010 by Ty Howard
All rights reserved.

The YEAR of Gaining Better Traction

These T.I.P.S. (Techniques, Ideas, Principles and Strategies) are for everyone—especially those who want to gain better traction in the Year 2011 than you received in the Year 2010. Internalize, apply and practice the concepts daily, and you will gain better traction in your life, relationships, health, finances, knowledge, family, business, and career.

The T.I.P.S. listed below are not based on any intended ranked order. They are shared for you to embrace and practice daily, so you too can Gain Better Traction in the Year 2011, and Accelerate into New Places and Levels of Success.

From my heart to yours, here are 17 Growth & Prosperity T.I.P.S. for the Year 2011. Let’s ALL move significantly forward with better traction and sustainable results!

1) Take Charge of Your Health: Improve the Condition Levels of Your Heart, Body and Mind. True healthy living involves continuous mental, physical, spiritual and social development. This year, make it your #1 priority to: visit your family doctor or a doctor, at the beginning and middle of the year (Yes, twice!). Learn about and monitor your current overall health condition. Strengthen your mind by reading books to stimulate and expand your mind. Exercise at least twice a week to drop 30 or more pounds by December 31st. Connect to and grow with your pre-determined High Power. Stand up boldly within to Take Charge of Your Health for better traction, action, fun, and growth in the Year 2011, and beyond.

2) Embrace and Share P.E.A.C.E. Continuously. Plan, Execute, Accelerate, Celebrate, and Encourage. In order to make true your ambition that “This Year is Going to be My Year,” sit down, write down and ‘Plan’ for it to be your Year. Then swiftly ‘Executive’ your new updated written ‘Plan.’ Once you have your ‘Plan’ in motion, ‘Accelerate’ and ‘Celebrate’ as you build on the momentum from the small wins/victories you accomplish along the way. Continuously ‘Encourage’ others, as well as yourself, to Embrace and Share P.E.A.C.E. Continuously for greater impact and better traction.

3) Alleviate and Eliminate Financial Debt Like Never Before. Your financial status determines how much traction, if any, you currently have on your path in life. If your finances are at “A+” status, you can climb almost any and every hill in front of you. If your current finances are below “A+” status, you do not and will not have traction on many of the roads ahead of you. Regardless where you are with your current financial status, I strongly recommend for you to consult with a professional – licensed – Financial Advisor this year. This is THE Year You WILL Alleviate and Eliminate Financial Debt Like Never Before—so you can sleep better, breath better, think better, achieve better, and gain better traction in all areas of life.

4) Work to Improve Your Family’s Unity. No matter what happens to us in life the one thing that will remain in place is Family. Family members at times can say and do some hurtful and painful things. Yes! That I know. Still, I encourage you to be the bigger person, the better person this Year, by Working to Improve Your Family’s Unity. Forgive, love, share, encourage and celebrate Family Unity for better traction and stability.

5) Acknowledge, Thank and Reward Those Who Constantly Support You. As we grow older the true value of constantly reliable friends and family becomes evidently clear. Often times these special angels in our lives go unsung and unrewarded. Many of them do it because it’s who they genuinely are, and feel their actions deserve no reward. If you truly want to gain better traction and satisfaction in your life this Year—make this the Year YOU Acknowledge, Thank and Reward Those Who Constantly Support You.

6) Employ Focus Over Scatter. Scatter will keep you busy chasing any and every thing, while focus will have you celebrating the accomplishment of meaningful goals and plans. This Year, sit down and write out a detailed action plan that you will commit to executing and following; include, effective strategies on how you’re going to minimize and at times block out unwanted distractions. The very successful people in life work to become laser focused. Employ Focus Over Scatter, and you will soon find yourself empowered with better traction and life results.

[ Click Here to Open and Finish Reading
T.I.P.S. 7 through 17 – PDF File

About the Author: Ty Howard,
Mr. Untie the Knots®,
Freeing Maximal Business, Performance & Human Potential Daily!

Ty Howard is an internationally recognized authority on personal and relationship development. He is the creator and lead facilitator of the trademarked “Untie the Knots® Personal Performance Process,” and the author of the best-selling book Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life: A Practical Guide to Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, as well as dozens of published articles on relationships, healthy habits development, empowerment and peak performance worldwide.

To learn more about Ty Howard’s consulting and professional speaking services, visit: http://www.TyHoward.com.



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