25 Quotations to Motivate Teachers
by Ty Howard
Copyright © 2012 by Ty Howard. All rights reserved.
1. To all the teachers throughout this land, please take a bow each time you stand. Though sometimes your efforts and sacrifice may appear to be an endless win. Today, stop… stand… and think… of that one student where your efforts sunk in. We applaud you. ~ Ty Howard
2. Ideas… plus Enthusiasm… plus ACTION… will amount to significant results if you go after a Vision of Hope with the belief that it’s possible — on a daily basis. ~ Ty Howard
3. B.Y.O.M. = Be Your Own Motivation! Encourage and motivate yourself as if your life depends on you, because it does. ~ Ty Howard
4. Make today, another day, you and others get to witness yourself being and doing something positively magnificent. ~ Ty Howard
5. Laughter is the shortest distance between teeth showing and hearts glowing. ~ Ty Howard
6. Once you’ve broken free of a self-sabotaging habit, you’ll discover you can teach yourself new ways to perform at your best at any age.
~ Ty Howard
7. You know you’re in a healthy relationship when the two of you elevate instead of tolerate one another. ~ Ty Howard
8. Never try to put life together in one written plan; authentic greatness must have the ability to organically flow. ~ Ty Howard
9. Stay the course, Try and try until… You’ll win in life again and again, When you believe you will!
~ Ty Howard
10. When you’re inspired for greatness, your preparation and talent can propel you to fly higher than anyone else. ~ Ty Howard
11. S-T-R-E-T-C-H = See, Triumph, Reach, Everyday To Capture Hope. ~ Ty Howard
12. Every obstacle, every setback, every heartbreak carries with it the right spirit and bounce-back enthusiasm to positively carry you over any situation. ~ Ty Howard
13. Giving birth to a good idea empowers you, and continuing to grow your good idea celebrates the life in you. ~ Ty Howard
14. Teach to educate. Listen to learn. Coach to develop. Mentor to inspire. Hug to show how much you genuinely care. ~ Ty Howard
15. If you want to be average, take an easy job. If you want to be great—discover, develop and walk in your purpose. ~ Ty Howard
16. Real – focused – efforts create real – focused – results. ~ Ty Howard
17. The toughest student to reach can become the easiest student to teach, if you enter your classroom daily with a positive and green and growing mindset. ~ Ty Howard
18. No matter the mistakes you’ve made, the poor advice you’ve followed or the opportunities you’ve blown in life, remember, there is always some good left in you. ~ Ty Howard
19. Do not only want to feel better—want to be better, too! ~ Ty Howard
20. True Passion Is—As True Passion Does!
~ Ty Howard
21. Success can turn a nobody into a somebody when done with class. ~ Ty Howard
22. Never fall apart when an unexpected challenge happens. Simply think, pray, plan, and execute your new plan of optimistic action with confidence.
~ Ty Howard
23. If your being an educator is meaningful to anybody then your work is significant to somebody. ~ Ty Howard
24. No matter how big or small your problem may be—do something positive and progressive to break yourself free. ~ Ty Howard
25. T-E-A-C-H-E-R = One who Triumphantly Educates and Advances Character, Hope and Enthusiasm Regularly. ~ Ty Howard
26. A motivated teacher is an inspiring, engaging, passionate, and amazing human being! ~ Ty Howard
– End –
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About the Author: Ty Howard is the author of the best-selling book Untie the KnotsTM That Tie Up Your Life: Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, and the forthcoming teen character enrichment and empowerment book You Were Born to Be G.R.R.R.R.E.A.T.!!!!TM. He is recognized around the world as a highly sought after consultant and expert on habits development, motivation and empowerment for educators. Ty teaches educators how to defeat toxic habits, maintain a positive attitude, and achieve true greatness. With over 16 dedicated years as a Dynamic Professional Speaker for educators on all levels, Ty has a proven track record for delivering inspiring and engaging programs that bring forth immediate positive change, desired outcomes, and real-life results.
For information on Ty Howard’s programs and services for educators, or to request written reprint permission, visit: http://www.keynotespeakersforteachers.com
or call Toll Free 1-800-385-3177.
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