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Official Untie the Knots® Blog

How to Motivate Teachers by Ty Howard, America’s Untie the Knots(R) Consultant & Coach – [Article]

How to Motivate Teachers

Copyright © 2011 by Ty Howard. All rights reserved.

To be a teacher today is both challenging and demanding. It takes passion, commitment, care and resilience to successfully make it from the first day to the last day of school.

The students today are coming to school with more than a notebook and pencil in their backpacks. Students today are coming to school eager and filled with lots of energy. For the most part, the majority of the students want to learn and get their education. Yet, many students are also bringing with them learning challenges, behavior problems, socio emotional issues, family issues, and more. Because of these challenges or issues, teachers are now being faced with having to sometimes act as social workers, behavioral counselors and surrogate parents, too.

It’s tough to be a teacher in any school today! Even the best teachers reach moments of frustration or burnout.

The Million Dollar Question of the Day is “How to Motivate Teachers?”

If you seriously want to successfully motivate and keep the teachers in your school motivated from the beginning of the school year to the end—create and employ the following strategy:

Make Opportunities To Inspire — 1) Value, 2) Attitude, 3) Talent, and 4) Enthusiasm!

Value – A teacher who knows their value and also feels that their leaders and fellow co-workers see and know their value too — will stay motivated. When moments of frustration and burnout hit, “A Value Inspired Teacher” will quickly bounce back because of their dedicated value to the students and school.

Attitude – A teacher who is inspired and sold on maintaining a positive attitude at all times becomes a teacher that students and staff will enjoy learning from, working with and being around. The right positive attitude in a passionate and caring teacher can bring out true greatness in students.

Talent – A teacher who is inspired and empowered to use their talents will perform continuously at their peak. Remember: Talent Is—What Talent Does!

Enthusiasm – A teacher who is inspired to come to work each day with enthusiasm will be a teacher on your school’s Successful Teachers Team who is filled with passion, commitment and care. A teacher with enthusiasm carries with them a positive light and bolts of energy that encourages and fosters a safe and thriving learning environment wherever they go.

Though getting and staying motivated can seem complicated and at times out of reach, it is at the same time profound and invigorating. When you allow yourself to become and be motivated, the positive energy within you will light up and reach into every corner of your life.

With the upcoming new school year ahead, become a master at Making Opportunities To Inspire — 1) Value, 2) Attitude, 3) Talent, and 4) Enthusiasm within each of your teachers. Encourage them to set aside complaints, past frustrations, excuses, conditions and demands, and make a place for continuous motivation and happiness in their world.

Inspired and successful teaching takes place when a passionate and caring teacher is both motivated and happy to teach, and learn.






About the Author: Ty Howard,
Mr. Untie the Knots®,
Freeing Maximal Business, Performance & Human Potential Daily!

About the Author: Ty Howard is the author of the best-selling book Untie the Knots™ That Tie Up Your Life: Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, and the forthcoming teen character enrichment and empowerment book You Were Born to Be G.R.R.R.R.E.A.T.!!!!™. He is recognized around the world as a highly sought after consultant and expert on youth enrichment and teen empowerment, and professional development for educators on all levels. Ty teaches young people and the professionals who work with and develop them, how to defeat toxic habits, maintain a positive attitude, and achieve true greatness. With over 16 dedicated years as a Dynamic Professional Speaker for Youth & Teens, Ty has a proven track record for delivering inspiring and engaging programs that bring forth immediate positive change, desired outcomes, and real-life results.

To learn more about Ty Howard’s consulting and professional speaking services, visit: http://www.DynamicYouthSpeaker.com/pd_training.htm.



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