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Official Untie the Knots® Blog

Making the Right Choices Over Many Distracting Voices – for Teens by Ty Howard, Motivational Speaker & Author – [ Article ]

Making the Right Choices

Over Many Distracting Voices

( for Teens )

Copyright © 2012 by Ty Howard.  All rights reserved.

Getting ahead in life as a teenager and doing what you really dream of in this world can be tough when you’re put in a position daily to make the right choices over many distracting voices. People will try to convince you to break what you believe in, go their way to what they feel you need and want, go against the values your parent(s) have taught you, or stop you from doing something because they do not like it or do not want to see you achieving the success and positive recognition you’re worked hard for. Your needs and aspirations are not in their best interest, only they are. These people want things to stay as they like would like it to remain, regardless of whether or not it harms you or derails you from achieving your dreams. Every young person, like you, out there affected by these types of people, needs to remember that you can stand up for yourself, make right and healthy choices, and set and keep your life going in the direction you want it to go. Just stand strong, look to the future, and ignore the negativity and distractions that toxic and non-caring people try to throw your way.

It was Eric Allenbaugh who said, “Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?”

Have confidence in yourself. Do not believe in the words of those whose only motivation is to bring you down. You know your own abilities and can improve and grow on them. Do what you know is right, what you need to do to excel, and do it with confidence so that no person, no matter what they say, can hold you back or drag you down. With focus, determination and confidence to move continuously forward in life, you can and will make the right choices over many distracting voices daily.

Stay focused and on track no matter how difficult it may be. Say no when a distracting person tries to get you to do something you do not want to do. Keep going forward with your productive work, and keep your mind connected to your dreams and goals. The “here and now” or “I’m going to miss out on lots of fun” may seem interesting and exciting; yet, getting caught up with it can ruin your future if you get sucked into making wrong choices because of the many distracting voices. Every distraction, whether it is from your own mind or another person, will only last a short while. Try to make the most of every minute so that you can make the right healthy choices you need to create the success and future you truly want.

Embrace and keep in mind the profound words of Cherie Carter-Scott, “Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible.”

When you have the downtime, enjoy it. Life cannot be all work with no fun or play, or everything will become stressful and boring. Once you are finished with the work you have to do, do something you truly enjoy and find fun in it while still keeping your mind and body ready for what you must do and accomplish next. Admire the beauty in life, take time to do something exciting, and let yourself relax whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed. When your brain is sharp and refreshed, you will be able to focus more on enjoying life and getting the work that needs to be done, done.

Always remember to stay confident and focused, no matter what troubles, uncertainties and setbacks you may face. Keep your head up and eyes on what needs to be done and your committed efforts will move you closer to where you want to be. Create and build positive support groups to aide you along your journey in developing your healthy character, emotions, and ongoing life plans. Become and be the teen, the young adult, then adult who finds yourself smiling and celebrating life to the fullest because you had the courage to develop and sustain a healthy character, positive attitude, strong value system, and the tenacity to make the right choices over many distracting voices—now and throughout life.

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For more information on Ty’s motivational and character development programs for Teens, Youth, Youth Workers and Students, visit: www.DynamicYouthSpeaker.com


About the Author: Ty Howard is the author of the best-selling book Untie the KnotsTM That Tie Up Your Life: Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, and the forthcoming teen character enrichment and empowerment book You Were Born to Be G.R.R.R.R.E.A.T.!!!!TM. He is recognized around the world as a highly sought after consultant and expert on youth enrichment and teen empowerment. Ty teaches young people and the professionals who work with and develop them, how to defeat toxic habits, maintain a positive attitude, and achieve true greatness. With over 16 dedicated years as a Dynamic Professional Speaker for Youth & Teens, Ty has a proven track record for delivering inspiring and engaging programs that bring forth immediate positive change, desired outcomes, and real-life results.


For more information on Ty’s motivational and character development programs for Teens, Youth, Youth Workers and Students, visit: www.DynamicYouthSpeaker.com



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